Which craft? Witchcraft.


Halloween is upon us, but this year it will be very different from the previous ones. And no, it’s not because of the pandemic. This year, for the first time in 76 years there will be a full moon on the 31st of October! Not only that, but it will also be a blue moon – the second full moon in a single calendar month. To celebrate this rare occurrence, we decided to treat you to a special Halloween article that will give you an insight into witchcraft and spirituality in the 21st century.  

There has been a boom in people, especially younger generations, turning to non-mainstream spiritual practices in the last couple of decades. There are as many reasons for this as there are practitioners. Some do it as a way to find peace among the chaos of the world. Others do it to regain control over their life, or perhaps to connect with their ancestors. What really helped popularise “alternative” practices and belief systems, was the internet. Thanks to the world wide web, we are able to share and demystify what we believe and do on our spiritual journeys. Through the ongoing online conversations the taboos are broken, and more people find that witchcraft and other forms of non-mainstream spirituality are not wrong or evil as they were once claimed to be. Instead, they can be (and often are) a way to empower yourself and connect with the natural world.

To get a better insight into what modern witchcraft and spirituality looks like and what it means to those who practice, we have spoken with two lovely women who kindly answered our burning questions.

They say that it’s not the tools that hold the power, but the witch.

tarot reading
Kelly at work

Our first guest is Kelly (@the.harmony.quest), who is a tarot reader from the UK. She specialises in specialise in spirit/guardian and intuitive tarot readings.

Can I ask you to tell me a little bit about yourself?

I am 35 and a single mother of two young girls and a Rottweiler that doesn’t listen.

What led you to tarot cards?

A friend who misplaced her tarot deck. She was very superstitious about a rule that you shouldn’t buy your own tarot cards. You have to be gifted them, so I offered to buy her some. I was surprised by the variety and the more I looked into tarot and how they are used the more I was drawn to them. They stopped being something I initially assumed were spooky and irresponsible, and they became intriguing. I brought her a beautiful white watercolour illustrated deck and I also brought myself a deck. I wasn’t bothered by superstition. At worst, I thought they wouldn’t work. I was pleasantly surprised by how well they did.

Do you have a specific way in which you prepare for a reading? What is your process?

I used to get wrapped up in different preparation rituals thinking that it would enhance my intuition or connection, but now I just pick the cards I feel to use and start shuffling. The more I do it, the more I am blown away by how relevant and accurate my readings are for others and myself. All you need is faith in your ability, knowledge of what each card means, and to be in tune with your intuition. I do have a relaxing playlist and I always cleanse my new decks with sage or moonlight before their first use but that’s it. When doing readings, I just shuffle and go with what feels right. Sometimes a card jumps or drops, other times I feel to stop and take one. Most of the time, I split the deck and have faith that all the right cards have lined up.

What is your favourite deck?

The first deck I brought for myself, The Ostara Tarot. I usually carry them with me and it’s the only deck I have a backup for. I have spent a lot of money on other decks, but I guess I was always meant to be drawn to my first.

Do you practice any type of witchcraft or spirituality, or just tarot readings?

All types of spirituality intrigue me. I started looking into mainstream religion, then Shamanism, astrology, spirit guides, all different types of witchcraft and their origins. There is so much history that seems to have been covered up. I don’t really practice magic, but I experience and appreciate it in my daily life. They say that it’s not the tools that hold the power, but the witch. So, in everything I do I try to remember that I am powerful and pour that into all that I do. Gardening, nurturing my children, being there for others, cooking and of course reading tarot. I try to be fully aware of life and my experience. Drawing in energy and giving it back when I can. I believe this is what makes me more powerful and successful in my readings and my life.

What does your usual day look like?

My usual day looks like any other full-time, single mum trying to better herself. School runs, house admin, studying, allotment trips, dog walking, quick coffee catch ups and chaotic evenings before bed with a few readings thrown in where I can.

Do you engage in any tarot or spirituality communities?

Me and a close friend started a spiritual group for anyone that wanted to connect to like-minded individuals. We would meet up on the night of a full moon, and a different person would host each month. We would choose a topic to base the evening around as a point of conversation, such as divination or crystal healing, but we would mostly just enjoy meeting up with old friends or new strangers. Everyone had an open mind and would accept you for having beliefs completely different from your own. We discussed things, practiced our talents, ate snacks and if you were lucky enough not to be driving, drank prosecco. The group would be a mix of Shamans, witches, psychics, crystal healers, tarot readers, life coaches, aromatherapists, reiki healers, spiritualists, hippies and your average person that wanted to hang out and see what it was all about.

Why do you think witchcraft and less mainstream forms of spirituality are becoming increasingly popular, especially among the younger generations?

The standard way of doing things doesn’t serve them. They aren’t happy to just follow the status quo just because they are told to and because everyone else does. We are all generally asking more questions and are unhappy that we are not getting any clear answers. There is also a sense of belonging when you read up about the ways before organised religion and all that we used to value. The younger generations now have access to so much more information than we did and can find out about a wealth of history that isn’t spoon fed to them at school.

A lot of spiritual people believe that you don’t have to give your power away or beg to a power greater than you for what you want or for a better, safer, more secure life. You accept that there is power greater than you, but you are part of it. You are powerful and play an essential role in how your life plays out. That is very appealing.

Is Halloween something you celebrate? Is it important to you?

I love Halloween! It is my favourite time of year. This Halloween will be on the night of the full moon which is quite rare. Originally, I would take my children trick or treating and then meet up with my spiritual friends for our full moon gathering but we are now in the middle of a 6 person limit because of the covid restrictions. We are gutted that we can’t celebrate it how we planned. Most of my friends were going to go big this year! Now I plan to do a lot of reflection as Samhain is a good time to assessing the year that has passed and plan for the next as we move towards winter. I will probably dig out last years plans and intentions to see how far I got and then start my resolutions for the next year. I also like to write letters to loved ones that have passed away to thank them for the love, time and guidance they have given.  Oh and eat loads of snacks, drink hot chocolate and watch The Nightmare Before Christmas back to back with my little girls.

What short piece of advice would you give to someone considering delving into tarot?

If it feels right doing it your way, you’re not doing it wrong.

Examples of tarot decks from Kelly’s instagram

In much of witchcraft, the emphasis of reclaiming, discovering and harnessing one’s own power is paramount, along with honoring what is sacred or divine.

Cat at work

Our second guest is Cat Cabral (@moonagemagic), who is a modern witch, writer, and tarot reader from the USA.

Can you tell me a little bit about yourself?

I’m a modern witch, writer, and author of The Spells Deck (Chronicle Books). I’ve been interested in the history, practices and intersection of religion, spirituality and witchcraft since childhood. For over a decade, I managed Enchantments, New York’s oldest occult shop and continue to host circles, workshops and read tarot for a variety of clients. I also work in the world of arts education aiming to bring a different aspect of magic into the world through theatre and film. 

How would you describe what you practice?

In general I refer to myself as a modern witch mainly because today’s version of witchcraft is both an evolution and reclamation of older, Pre-Christian, pagan practices and folklore. By honoring the seasons and cycles of nature, ancestors and Divine Spirit (this can be God, Goddess, spirits or a variety of all) my practice provides a magical framework for life.

What led you to it?

I’ve always found solace, answers and magic looking up at the moon. This was a practice I developed naturally at a young age which coincided with my Catholic upbringing.  As a teenager, I babysat for a family whose mother practiced witchcraft. She really took me under her wing, allowing me to browse her thorough bookshelf containing a wide variety of books on topics from the Tarot, Hinduism, Wicca, and herbalism. There was also a fantastic new age/witchy shop in my hometown on Long Island which provided further exposure to alternative ways of having a spiritual practice.  

Do you have daily rituals of any kind? What is your process?

Every morning I light a candle on my altar, along with an incense that feels appropriate for the day. I shuffle a tarot deck, picking a card, then do a meditation and upon opening my eyes, say whatever words or affirmation come to me. In the evening, I look out my window up at the sky and take a moment to reflect and meditate on the day, giving thanks to what I call Divine Spirit.

Do you have a favourite ritual/practice?

There are so many fun rituals but dancing around a bonfire for Midsummer (the Summer Solstice) and making wishes, throwing herbs or a petition into the flames may be my favorite!

What does your usual day look like?

Aside from the practices I highlighted earlier, there are times when I work magic, focusing on specific intentions. I work these into my day depending on moon phases, astrological transits, the season and energy. You may have the most opportune magical time but if you’re feeling fatigued, there’s no point in trying to manifest something other than taking care of yourself! I’m also a new mom, so much of my day is wrapped up in taking care of my baby, however I do a morning daily tarot video that I share on Instagram for the collective. I also see tarot clients, write and work in my other field. 

Do you engage in any communities related to witchcraft?

I host open magic circles that are public celebrating the Wheel of the Year, the 8 holidays celebrated by many witches and pagans. I also am part of private covens and we gather for a variety of occasions. I teach workshops on various topics such as spellcasting, magical herbalism, tarot, and the history of witchcraft. I enjoy gathering with dear old friends and meeting new people; there is something wonderful about a group of strangers coming together for the sole purpose of engaging in magic, it can be very potent. 

Why is witchcraft important to you?

 For me, witchcraft is a calling, a daily practice and a life-long exploration. It is a deepening process of awareness and growth, like many other religious or spiritual traditions. I can’t imagine my life without it.

Why do you think witchcraft and less mainstream forms of spirituality are becoming increasingly popular, especially among the younger generations?

There is much freedom and in general less judgement in witchcraft, paganism than other pillars of religion. With the advent of our hyper-technological age, the call and allure of nature is louder and more needed than ever. Many are hearing this call and are yearning to listen to the magic and inherent wisdom found in nature based traditions. Also, generally speaking, there is a much more inclusive and non-judgemental appeal in witchcraft that welcomes all. In much of witchcraft, the emphasis of reclaiming, discovering and harnessing one’s own power is paramount, along with honoring what is sacred or divine. In other faiths, divine energy only comes from above and is out of reach, whereas witches can access this power.

What short piece of advice would you give to someone considering delving into witchcraft/types of spirituality?

Create an altar, which is basically a personal, dedicated and sacred space for you. Use it to lay out your intentions and as a place to meditate daily, with a candle on magic and life. Read many books and see what practice speaks to you. Find something small you can do daily, whether it be moongazing, writing in the morning, taking deep breaths, pulling a tarot card, anything that puts you in a meditative and magical space. Witchcraft is a magical practice and for many a lifelong spiritual tradition, not a quick action that will result in attaining your goals. Know that you are always in a process of learning and discovery and that witches gather in circles, reflecting the cyclical nature of life. 

Cat’s Samhain altar

If you ever thought of delving into witchcraft or exploring spirituality, it’s never too late to start! One of the easiest ways to start is to follow some modern practitioners on social media, such as the ladies in this article, to get an idea of what it may involve.

Unlike mainstream religions where you have to adjust yourself to their rules, witchcraft adjusts to your needs. Witchcraft can be the source of control and peace within – the two things that are often hard to come by in our modern times. So, if you’re looking for something new to try while stuck inside this Halloween, I say it’s time to get witchy.

Many thanks to Kelly and Cat for agreeing to the interview! You can find both of them online at:


Cat Cabral

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